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The Best in Test Awards

GuessTheTest is excited to announce we'll be hosting the 1st annual testing awards ceremony for the Best Tests!


Do you have great A/B tests you've run that you think deserve an award?

Submit them here to be considered for the Best in Test awards.

There is no submission fee, and you can submit as many tests as you'd like.

All tests will be carefully judged using specific test trustworthiness criteria. Winning case studies will have achieved these qualities:

  • Are "True" A/B tests, accurately comparing one element change against another
  • Have achieved at least 95% confidence, based on a statistically significant effect and adequate testing time period
  • Ensure a large, representative, properly-powered sample size
  • Do not have Sample Ratio Mismatch (SRM) or other testing traffic issues
  • Show interesting, or unusual results, far down the funnel

Winning tests will be selected by category and showcased during the awards ceremony.

Categories will be based on the submissions and may include, but not be limited to:

  • Marvellous mobile and amazing app tests
  • Exciting email tests
  • Advanced testing techniques
  • Innovative testing ideas
  • Best all around tests

The top winning tests in each category will receive a testing award, formatted as an electronic certificate you can post on your website and on social media.

Prizes will also be given. 🎉

To be considered for the awards, test submissions must be received by no later than Monday, October 21 at 11:59 Eastern.

==> Submit your studies here <==


The testing awards ceremony will take place online (through Zoom) Thursday, November 7, 2024 at 11 a.m. Eastern.

The awards ceremony is free to attend. Simply register here to confirm your attendance.

As an attendee, you'll get:

  • Exposure to the most cutting-edge testing ideas in the industry
  • Inspiration to fuel your own tests, by seeing a selection of the world's best A/B tests
  • The ability to take your best guess on the tests and find out which version won

Join in for the fun. Leave as a more knowledgable experimenter!

We can't wait to see you at the awards ceremony!

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