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What people are saying about us
The granularity of explanation helps us to solve real world industrial problems .This is platform to obtain curated nuances from many human years of experience.Keep doing the good work!!!
Hi,I am a data scientist at Reliance Jio,aspiring to build product mindset.Never seen such a curated content anywhere!!!It really helps me understand how to conduct A/B test and take decision in my work.Keep doing the good work.
Always informative - and often surprising. Love seeing the real world test results that reveal how people behave.
nancy harhut
GuessTheTest is a really great source for anybody wanting to A/B test and optimize their website. What I appreciate the most is that the tests presented can actually be trusted in regard to the test design & set up - and the tendencies do serve as an indicator for any potential effect of your own test projects. I also wanna highlight Deborah's ebook on high converting price strategies - very well structured and it also provides valuable insights regarding the psychology of pricing. Really easy to read and use as it comes with real-life test examples and proven strategies.
Melina Hess
GuessTheTest is a really great source for anybody wanting to A/B test and optimize their website. What I appreciate the most is that the tests presented can actually be trusted in regard to the test design & set up - and the tendencies do serve as an indicator for any potential effect of your own test projects. I also wanna highlight Deborah's ebook on high converting price strategies - very well structured and it also provides valuable insights regarding the psychology of pricing. Really easy to read and use as it comes with real-life test examples and proven strategies.
Melina Hess
Guess the Test is an invaluable resource for a/b testing practitioners. Nowhere else online are there as many examples of actual a/b tests run
Patrick B
With GuessTheTest, founder Deborah offers a highly valuable resource for people working in the field of conversion rate optimization. Especially her newsletter will give you a lot of inspiration for your daily work in experimentation.
Niklas Bräutigam
Nature's Design Canada engaged GuessTheTest to conduct an audit of the above-the-fold content of our website. In the one-hour session we received a wealth of tips concerning optimal placement of our Unique Selling Proposition, top banner content, testimonials as well as suggested improvements to our main navigation. The session was recorded and summary notes with screen caps provided. Deborah was very knowledgeable and fun to connect with. She was also able to introduce us to a reasonably-priced developer to implement the changes requiring coding. If you’re experiencing low conversion rates and are seeking intel to implement rapid effective changes, I would strongly recommend GuessTheTest for an above-the-fold audit!
Jessica Webster
Working with Deborah to exchange industry experience and best practices has helped me progress my skills as a CRO specialist. Her careful analysis of eCommerce Optimization is centered in data, as well as informed psychology. Engaging with her for even just a handful of meetings will propel your website to the next level, and given the proper resource allocated to her efforts, I'm confident in saying you will find results that create a hefty return on investment.
Louis Girifalco
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