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Who We are

GuessTheTest is the go-to resource for digital marketers who want objective A/B test case studies and helpful information to get split-testing ideas, insights, and best practices.

Every other week, a new Featured Test is showcased on GuessTheTest. It's presented in a "gamified" form. So, you get to have fun and learn, guessing which test you think won, seeing the real-life results, and applying the findings to optimize your own digital marketing success.

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You can to get the Featured Test, plus other helpful resources on A/B testing and optimization delivered to your inbox every other week.

Extensive Test Archive

Our extensive A/B case study library of hundreds of archived tests – featuring an expanding collection of tests from organizations and agencies around the world -- provides useful data and insightful ideas to inspire testing and optimization on your own site. Every test is carefully curated to help you quickly optimize your testing efforts.

Within the archive, you can access the exact tests that big-name brands ran to produce money-making results; these tests represent millions of dollars in traffic and ad spend.

As well, every case study is sortable by topic so you can easily sort by testing patterns and hone in on the exact testing knowledge you're looking for.

Pro Member Advantage

Pro Members get complete access to the archive of hundreds of case studies, with new ones added bi-weekly.

Pro Members also benefit from access to a wealth of practical articles, interviews, guides, and tutorials on A/B testing strategies, tools, and best practices.

Progressive, Unbiased Community

GuessTheTest aims to connect, educate, and inspire digital marketers, experimenters, and optimizers, like you, with outstanding content. We are a welcoming, collaborative community interested in implementing and sharing knowledge and best practices to propel the industry ahead.

We are also an unbiased resource. We strive to report A/B test case study results in an objective manner.

Most case studies are run externally, by companies who submit their tests to be published. Only case studies that demonstrate rigorous adherence to proper statistical measures and valid testing practices are published.

GuessTheTest is also platform-agnostic. We do not endorse any specific tools or software. Rather, we appreciate all resources available and work to provide you with the best information possible to optimize your success.
Meet the GuessTheTest Founder
Deborah O'Malley, MS.sc.
deborah_omalley-headshot-1-776x776 Deborah is a Google Analytics certified digital marketer with a master's of science (M.Sc.) degree specialized in eye tracking technology. She founded GuessTheTest to connect digital marketers interested in Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) and A/B testing with helpful resources and fun, gamified A/B tests that inspire and validate testing ideas.
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