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A/B Test Case Studies

Succinct and sophisticated summaries stating your success with clients and partners, or profiling optimization gains on your own site.

Convert Experts specializes in writing case studies that profile your successes as an organization.

We offer two options for case study write-ups:

  1. A well-written case study that showcases the successes you’ve achieved.
  2. A case study write-up focussing on an A/B testing success, profiled on your website, with the additional option of showcasing on our sister site, GuessTheTest.

Option #1: Well-Written Case Study Write-Up

If you have happy customers, what better way to get the word out than through a case study write-up? Our done-for-you case studies make the process simple and effortless. Simply tell us what you want to feature, and we’ll do the rest for you.

From informational interviews all the way through to final design, we take care of everything you so you can focus on getting more sales.


Our case study write-up process involves:

Step 1 – Strategy: Figuring out what stories you need to tell, to who, and how so you can maximize your leads and audience interest.

Step 2 – Scheduling: Working on your behalf to make sure all the project management components are completed. We ensure scheduling of interviews is done, and with the right people, and all deadlines are met throughout the process.

Step 3 – Research: We leave no stone unturned, working with your clients to conduct informational interviews, and get the full picture so we can eloquently capture your story into a succinct, compelling case study write-up.

Step 4 – Writing Process – Drawing on over 20 years of expert writing experience, we’ll make sure to dot all our “i’s” and cross all our “t’s” writing a tightly weaved case study that comes across as factual, interesting, and converts.

Step 5 – Design and Launch – We’ll work with you to design your case study into a beautiful template for the web, online, or in another presentational format. We’ll then help you launch and get it out to the world.

Option #2: A/B Test Case Study Write-Up With GuessTheTest

Working with our sister site, GuessTheTest, you’ll get a powerful case study to help your brand become recognized by the international digital marketing audience.

Our superbly written GuessTheTest case studies help propel your organization through powerful word-of-mouth marketing. When your case study is featured on GuessTheTest, it also becomes part of a coveted collection of the world’s best A/B test case studies.

In addition to the steps outlined above, a GuessTheTest case study write-up gives you:

Brand Exposure – You get an informative case study write-up done for you, and sent out to a highly targeted audience of digital marketers.

Customization – In addition to the case study write-up for your own website, you can also choose to have it published on GuessTheTest, as a value-added extra. When published on GuessTheTest, you get:

  • Your logo is prominently featured on the GuessTheTest site, alongside the case study.
  • Linkbacks to your website, within the case study, help boost your SEO presence.
  • Brand exposure through wide social media promotion, during the weeks your case study is featured.

All case study materials will help you create a compelling story that showcases your brand and the fantastic work you’ve achieved.

To find out more information about getting a custom case study, please get in touch.


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