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March 29, 2024
Which Format Worked Best For Increasing Donation Conversions?
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March 29, 2024
Which free shipping offer won?
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January 5, 2024
Which headline won: simple or instructive?
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January 5, 2024
Which hero image won on desktop but lost on mobile?
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March 27, 2024
Which homepage redesign radically decreased bounce rates?
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March 27, 2024
Which landing page format won in December, but lost in January?
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January 4, 2024
Which login format converted best? Link or button?
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March 28, 2024
Which mobile product view won?
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January 6, 2024
Which nav bar copy won: "Save 50%" or "VIP Express"?
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March 29, 2024
Which nav bar format works best across device types?
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January 4, 2024
Which nav format won? Featuring product or lifestyle imagery?
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March 29, 2024
Which Navigational Menu Copy Converted Best?
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March 29, 2024
Which numeric format worked best?
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January 5, 2024
Which page layout reduced call volumes? Standard or accordion?
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January 5, 2024
Which personalized email subject line won on mobile?
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January 6, 2024
Which pop-up won? With the focus on images or text?
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