Take your best guess on this A/B test to find out if it was better to display the number as a ratio or percentage to increase application conversions.
Take your best guess on this A/B test to find out if it was better to display the number as a ratio or percentage to increase application conversions.
Does segmenting by gender increase product purchases? Or, have the opposite effect? Take your best guess, see if you win, and apply the findings.
Doe gender effect conversions within a promotional email campaign? Take your best guess, see if you win, and apply the findings to lift your conversions.
To increase the product purchases, should you offer a "quick selector" option on product listings? Take your best guess and see if you win.
If you're using a "quick selector" format, does it pay to explain it to shoppers? Or does that distract from their browsing? Take your best guess.
To increase the shoppers selecting popular product categories, how should you feature the dropdown menu nav bar? Take your best guess, see if you win, and apply the finding to optimize your own website's navigational format.
To increase engagement should your nav bar be persistent, and scroll with the user, partially persistent, or show only at the top of the page?
To increase purchases, should you present the information in boxes in rows? Take your best guess on this fantastic formatting test to see if you win.
To increase email conversions, what's the best time to send a message? Take your best guess on this effective email test and see if you win.