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Result: Which wording won? Low friction or high friction?
Low-friction wording: More information



The low-friction wording stating "more information" got way more conversions. Surprised?! Read on to learn more. . .

Background & Test Details:

Group M, an advertising and optimization agency, ran this thoughtful text test for their telecommunications client, Vodafone.

As part of an ongoing series, this study explored how to best drive paid traffic from a Vodafone banner ad to the telecom giant's website.

The banner ad contained a promotional offer for a phone, TV, and internet package.

On the ad was a single Call To Action (CTA) button which, when clicked, brought shoppers from the ad to the site.

The testing team wondered if low friction or high friction button copy would be most effective for getting users to click to convert.

Two text variants were tested for the CTA button copy: "More information" and "Order".

The phrase "More information" was considered low friction because it wasn’t a command. Rather, it was a gentle offer, indicating users could learn more by clicking.

In contrast, the verb "Order" was considered high friction because it suggested users needed to make an immediate purchase decision.

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Poll Results - The Best Guesses:

Which wording won? Low friction or high friction?

  • A (66%, 335 Votes)
  • B (34%, 174 Votes)

Total Voters: 509


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Deborah O'Malley,
deborah_omalley-headshot-1-776x776 Deborah is a Google Analytics certified digital marketer with a master's of science (M.Sc.) degree specialized in eye tracking technology. She founded GuessTheTest to connect digital marketers interested in Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) and A/B testing with helpful resources and fun, gamified A/B tests that inspire and validate testing ideas.
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