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July 25, 2024
Without or with the price total?

Which pricing presentation strategy works best to get shoppers to proceed with their purchase? Leave off the price total within the add to cart section of the product page? Or include the price total? Take your best guess on this prosperous pricing A/B test to find out.

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June 27, 2024
With or without the brochure images?

Which is a more effective lead magnet strategy? Including cover images of the brochure you want people to download? Or removing the images to reduce visual clutter and potential confusion? Take your best guess on the interesting image test to find out.

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June 27, 2024
Creative or conventional imagery? Which won?

To increase email campaign conversions, should you use creative or conventional imagery? Take this week’s interesting image A/B test to find out. Then apply the findings to optimize your own email campaigns.

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May 30, 2024
With or without the "Limited Edition" callout?

To sell more products, it is best to show a "limited edition" banner on select products to increase the perceived sense of desirability? Or does the added element detract from the product and create unnecessary visual clutter, especially on a small-screened mobile device? Take your best guess and find out the results of this A/B test.

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May 30, 2024
With or without the added banner on mobile?

Does adding a "worry-free" reassurance banner help or hinder conversions on small-screened mobile devices where screen real estate is so precious? Take your best guess on this A/B test and see if you win. Then apply the findings to optimize your own mobile site.

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April 25, 2024
With or without the next day delivery timer?

To increase product purchases, is it best to use or remove a next day delivery timer on the checkout page? Take your best guess on this clever countdown timer A/B test to find out. Then apply the findings to optimize your own site.

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April 25, 2024
Does a countdown timer help or hinder online sales?

To increase product purchases, is it best to use or remove a free shipping countdown timer? Take your best guess on this clever countdown timer A/B test to find out. Then apply the findings to optimize your own website.

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March 28, 2024
Which wording won? Low friction or high friction?

What’s the best wording to get users to convert? Should you use low-friction or high-friction button copy? Take your best guess on this thoughtful text A/B test to find out. Then apply the findings and testing ideas to optimize your own site.

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March 28, 2024
Which copy converted better? Non-committal or goal-oriented?

For an abandon cart email campaign, what’s the best wording to get users to convert? Should you use low-friction or high-friction button copy? Take your best guess on this thoughtful text A/B test to find out. Then apply the findings and testing ideas to optimize your own site.

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